Wednesday, February 18, 2009, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Valentine's Day @->-- Wild Rocket!
What an AWESOME valentine's day we had!
It started off in the morning and I was up and running; preparing my X-LARGE card, deciding what to wear for this very special occasion whilst reading the newspapers and eating my breakfast! Haha! Talk about multitasking! Once everything was prepared, I then set off for my first destination; the florist! Armed with my bag slinging on my shoulder and walking along the pavement, basking in the sunlight but yet comforted by the soothing breeze, I made my way to the bus stop and low and behold; the bus arrived shortly!!!
Upon reaching the florist, I was amazed by the no of people who have ordered a bouquet or bouquets of flowers from them as there was a LOOOONNNGG QUEUE! HAHA! People of all ages; or rather should I say men of all ages collecting flowers from the counter staff who looked rather bemused by the huge turn out; there was certaintly no pinch felt in the pocket in many including myself as we shell out our pay cheques to purchase the MOST BEAUTIFUL BOUQUET for our partners! As for myself, I purchased the most beautiful bouquet thus far in my entire life; second only to the Proposal bouquet because that one cannot be compared! But this one is named the aqua bouquet which basically has a bag of water warpped underneath so that the flowers are able to survive longer and the best part was THE EXCELLENCE THAT WAS PUT INTO creating this product.Awesome. Even today I still think it is awesome. Sometimes, an awesome attitude just amazes you for a few days!
After collecting the flowers, I carried to stage 2 of the plan which is to surprise my darling by setting up her room with my uniquely thoughout creations! hahaha....well, my main and only intention was to really make her feel loved and blessed because she is God's gift to me! So a lot of thought placed into the entire process. :) When Dear dear was ushered into her room by me..hahaha..she was moved to tears by what she saw and I am sure it is not just the physical arrangement but the intangibles such as the thought put into the planning and my efforts. But at this point of time, I want to give all glory to God because without HIM, we won't be believers in the same church in the first place, let alone being together forever! PRAISE GOD!
GOD is truly so amazing I tell you...sometimes we don't see His hand and we panicked; calling out His name and praying through and being faithful but God is and will always be the most faithful of all because He never gave up on us even when we are rebellious in our thoughts, actions, words, deeds and attitude! He is great because He is the only God in all religions globally that says "I love you; and because I love you; I send my only begotten son to die for your sins!" Who else ever said that? All I knew while growing up was to be afraid of gods because they would be angry if I didn't do this or that or meet a requirement but it wasn't the case with Abba GOD!
Truly awesome, Truly Amazed. Thoroughly Convicted.
In the evening, after watching the movie "Chasing a star" starring Andy Lau and Shu Qi which itself was quite a great show and I cannot believe that Andy Lau still looks so young! Really, i mean even if you factor in the possible articifical substances that were used but I firmly believe that it's because he worked out and kept fit! That kept me thinking! I want to be as fit as I can while passing thorough the decades of my life...20, 30, 40, 50, 60..... :)
What more can an evening end by having dinner at the gorgeous scenic and sumptously gratifying WILD ROCKET!!!
Wow wow wow..i tell first impression of this place...doesn't look like typical downtown singapore at all! Resided on Mount Emily, this restaurant external settings seems like a town or scene taken off the coastal areas of France! Accompanied by the setting sun and cool breeze, we arrived in our crown...ok now it can't be why not...japan? hee...we went into the restaurant and wow wow wow! limited seating arrangements means increased exclusivity and it means thicker romance in the atmosphere! :)
So awesome! The service of the staff was good although it could have been prompter. BUT this single negative experience cannot negate the many positives that WE DERIVED FROM IT! Nice ambience, good food, watching sun set, un-singaporean feel...wonderful and fulfilling dinner! We both gave it 8 stars out of 10! Only losing to Jiang Nan Chun; a cantonese restaurant!!
Truly God is the first valentine and I just want to tell myself; to love dear always and every single day to the best of my ability; as much as how God loves me. Dear, thank you very much for putting in the effort in making the wonderful and amazing card for me and I really like it very much because it's a tangible representation of your love to me!!!!!! Yay!
Unconditional love. Unlimited blessings.
Truly God is LOVE-PERSONIFIED and I thank God for my lovely dearie darling! Muacks dear!
Let's make everyday a valentine day shall we my dear? :)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008, Tuesday, December 23, 2008
What a year it has been.
If there is one thing I've learnt this year, it will be loving and treasuring the people who matter the most to me because in the midst of all uncertainty and distress, these are the individuals who stood by me; believed in me; prayed for me; encouraged me; blessed me even when I had nothing to offer them back in return. People like my darling, my parents, my brother and sisters, my grandmother and close friends all played a part in helping me to stand up again, to believe in myself and God that He is the ultimate provider, healer, comforter, blesser to all who believes; no matter what the circumstance is!
GOD has been ever-present in my life for the past few years since I became a Christian but He has poured forth so much in my life this year that sometimes I can just relax and soak in His presence, knowing that all of my worries, cares, troubles can all be placed in His hands and it will be taken care of. He has totally melted my heart; once mortified by pride, sin, rebellion raging on the inside. But everything He comes and touches my heart, it is as though He is saying "Glenn, don't worry, I am here for you always and forever. Even when you don't see my hand in a situation. I am still here." To hear or feel His presence daily has become such an attraction for me personally because in Him, I can be strong again; i can stand up again; i can smile again; i can have hope for tommorow again.
You know something? To be a Christian doesn't mean having to become a weakling and to be bullied by the people around you. It just means you have the ultimate source of strength, grace, peace, hope, joy, love to draw from whenever you have already done your best, tried your best but still fall short because no one is perfect and I've learnt that whenever I tried to put up a strong front in the past; but on the inside of me, I am crumbling, I am crushed because I always thought that I am the source of my own strength.
But I can't be further again from the truth. Because Jesus saved me and He will continue saving me in every situation and His thoughts are always good towards me.
Maybe I am sentimental, emotional for a guy but no one can deny His presence when you feel it, you know its Him.
2008 has been such an awesome year for me because apart of Jesus, God blessed me with my partner; my darling, the love of my life, one whom i can be myself in front, one whom i don't need to pretend, one who accepts me for who i am every day, one who loves me for who i am now, one who just cheerfully blesses, withholds nothing but always seeking to bless. Yes, it is you dear and thank you very much for always being here for me, always stretching forth your hand to help and encourage me whenever i am down, always cheering me on!
You're simply the best to me and I will never forget how we prayed through during the initial stages of our relationship; how we fasted; how we loved and stood alongside each other even during the times we faced trials and tribulations. I prayed for a partner, a wife whom understands what I needed, a partner whom i can confide and rely on because she will be the best person God has placed in my life. Through the past 17 months, I've been totally blown away by your love, your strength, your un-wavering belief in God throughout your circumstances and how you always know that God is the author and finisher of your faith and walk in Him.
I am blessed this year not just because of the pay increments I recieved, not just because of the fact we managed to successfully ballot for our desired flat in boon keng, not just because of all other things but simply because I am loved and I am blessed to be able to love such an awesome person like you because you are the love of my life. I am blessed because I have an awesome family who believes in me; parents who gave unselfishly to my education, sowing into my life for the past 20 years, siblings who always flashed a smile to me even during the most difficult of times and grandparents who always dispense words of wisdom towards me.
Sometimes although they might not show it but they will always be there, an out-stretched hand, ever ready to assist whenever I am looking for help. It's God blessing that I am born into my family because I cannot ask for a better family environment to grow up in.
As I looked back this year, I thank God for always being with me every single day of my life, every single step I took and He has never left me nor forsaken me because He is always present, always ready to bless and answer when i call out to Him and as I am listening to the song "Light of the City", the God I know is one who loves, says I love you to the entire human race, the only one who died so that we can live for eternity.
I am truly blessed. Inside and outside. Material and in-material. Tangible and Intangible. Through and through.
8 more days to the end of the year. A brand new year beckons. New challenges will come, new issues to deal with and overcome, but I am quietly confident that God will be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
May God bless you and answer the desires of your heart!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008, Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Giving and Loving
Loving and Giving always goes together in a set; because when you love someone, you seek to give or bless that person with what you've in your hands. It could be time, finances, love, words of affirmation, a simple "how are you?". Throughout the past 3 months of not blogging, I've been sharing my thoughts with dearie, my mum sometimes whenever she fetches me out in the morning. :) However, as the year is drawing to a close, one of the things that I would like to start doing it again is to blog regularly!.
5 days ago, dear and myself celebrated our 14th month anniversary together at the yummylicious grapevine!. Well, my darling is truly a blessing and angel sent from God to my life because I am mightily blessed throughout these past 14 months of being with her! However, not forgetting that we were both very different individuals when we first came together, it was His love that gelled us together, enabled us to go through difficult and uncomfortable situations where self-sacrifice on either side has to be made. God will always be our source now and forever!.
God tells us that He love us so much that He sent Jesus to die for our sins and transgressions. Isn't that such a true reflection of Giving and Loving? Many religions claim to love but they only seek to take from the worshippers themselves. Well, whenever I am tired or burdened, I will always remind myself of the various memorial stones in my life; one being which I was totally healed of this illness that almost took my life away.
Indeed, God loves and He give everyday!.
It is about 8 more weeks before this year draws to a close and as I looked back on what has happened, every single incident happened for a reason and I am very happy and blessed because God always ends every situation on a good note!. As such, I want to keep on praying for dear, my family and myself that we will always be in good health, prospering emotionally, financially, happy and blessed every single day! And one thing I know, that as I keep praying and loving and giving, 2009 will be a year of breakthrough upon breakthrough for us!!!.
I can't wait for Christmas, my birthday because I know that dear is going to do such an awesome work of planning everything!!! :) Dear, i love you!!!!! :)
Let's all continue to love by giving and give by loving! Have an awesome week ahead my friends!
Monday, July 21, 2008, Monday, July 21, 2008
The past 1 month.
Hi friends,
how time flies past so quickly that we seldom even realised it? As I am preparing myself to write a blog entry today, I realised that the last time I blogged was 1 month ago! Exactly! Haha...sorry for not blogging as often as in the past..but in the next 1 month, I should have more time to blog about my thoughts, my happenings and my experiences! :)
Life is a journey and along the journey; consists of many pit stops. Some planned. Some unplanned.
In the past 1 month, I have (in chronological order):
- Started a new job
- Attended a friend's wedding
- Prayed for mum
- Started jogging and going to the gym
- Continued to pray and seek God daily
- Attended company's D & D with dear dear!
- Celebrated darling's birthday! Yipee!
God is really awesome and as I was taking a walk to the nearby research institute near my workplace earlier, I reflected on what Pst Tan shared yesterday and as I reflect, God's values reflected back on me like a mirror; showing me what I could have done better; how could I have lived my life in a more fruitful way in the past 1 month. Pst shared about the easy way and the hard way; and although it seems like basic Christian teachings at surface level, it is this core discipline in our lives that will determine whether we live a A grade, B grade, C grade or Pass grade life.
Without being hard on ourselves, this discipline to walk the narrow, Godly, spiritual way is a discipline to be nurtured, cultivated and developed in God's presence and only God's presence. The other lifestyle components in our lives; such as shopping, driving, jogging are good but I feel that these are the add-ons (icing on the cake) that would only make a cake look and taste better isn't it? There is no point if a guy is fit, knows how to wear his clothes, drives a beemer but his attitude is crude, rude, unruly and impatient.
For myself, I am certaintly not perfect and I am sure that my loved ones will tell you that! But, as I constantly reflect on how I can adjust my life to a better son, boyfriend, colleague, worker to my loved ones and my colleagues.
I realised that so long as I keep turning one stone at a time per day, I would have turned 365 stones in a year and that would have meant 365 positive changes!
In the past, I have always concerned only about the external; how I look, how I behaved but neglecting my thought process and not putting in enough effort to pray, seek God, dwell in His presence so that my thought process can also be renewed and changed every single day!.
A simple interpretation of "narrow" would be a reduction in overall width or width of space to manourvere in.
As such, when I choose to walk the narrow way daily, it would mean that I need to 1) sacrifice 2) avail myself even if it's inconvenient 3) pray when I least feel like praying.
However, I have learnt in the past few months, the more I do what I don't feel like doing, the better my life becomes! :)
Yesterday was AWESOME! I celebrated dearie's birthday at Rakuzen ( a jap restaurant at Millenia Walk) and the food was value for money! Haha...a place w/o crowding people, noisy conversations and GOOD FOOD! Heee...I am very happy that I chose the right place and dear dear was BLESSED by the treat AND my card!! Dear, I just want to tell you that I am looking forward to better plan and celebrate your every birthday with you year in year out and no 2 years will ever be the same darling laopor!! Hahaa...dear dear, you are very very precious to me and I love you forever till ETERNITY!!!~~ Hug you tight tight and sayang you darling baby!! Muackieooosss dearie darling! :)
The past 1 month has truly been awesome; but I am not going to rest on my laurels. I will continue to press in; to be a better son, a better boyfriend and leader to dearie darling and a better worker in office! :)
Take care people! Ciao! :)